Tuesday 30 March 2010

Number 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

2. Whilst creating our media product we decided to go against stereotypes therefore we used a young black man to chase a college student and once he has caught her he gives the girl her media textbook and then leaves her in peace. Whilst watching it you are thinking the black boy is going to mug or rape the girl, however he goes against what you think and plays the good guy buy giving her the book back.
Whilst filming we wanted to make the boy look like a gangster and a thug, we done this by putting his hood up, only revealing half his face, and making him walk and talk like a thug. We wanted to make the college girl the, protagonist, look innocent, young and vulnerable, so we made her dress in colourful clothes and told her to smile alot. Also the camera shots we got of her are long and slow to show that she is peaceful and no one is bothering her, however when we cut to the black boy the camera shots change and get faster to show his anxiety to get to her and to give the impression he wants her for something.
When the college girls leaves the thug she walks to the end of the alley where she bumps into another girl. We made this second college girl look just as innocent so that the viewers believe there is no trouble or that she has no relevance to the film. We wanted to put the audience on the edge of their seat as they are waiting for something to happen they just do not know when. So to surprise the audience we decided to make the second college girl, the antagonist, to knock out the protagonist and surprise every one.
Going against the stereotypes that people have is a good way to surprise and keep the audience interested.

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