Wednesday 7 April 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

4. The audience for our media product was decided to be aimed at people aged between 15 to 25 year olds. We decided this because our story line is to complex and violent for some one younger than 15 to take in and understand. We also believed that any one older than 25 would not be that interested in our media product as the film relates to a younger teenage audience.
After receiving our feedback we realised that our media product predominately attracted young men. Our film is set in dark alleys and back roads like kidulthood and adulthood. Both those films had a huge response from young adults as they know what life on the streets are and they also get the humour and slang which our script has.
We recieved the feedback from our questionaires and facebook pages we created. We used the feedback to improve our product. Once we finished the film we kept the feedback it recieved so we could use it improve our next pruject that we will undertake.

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