Monday 29 March 2010

The certificate for our film “Ikonic” was decided by our group because we felt our film would not be appropriate for younger viewers as there is violence throughout the film. We also took the feedback from our questionnaire and the face book page we created. The majority of people who gave their opinion and analysed our blog was teenagers over the age of 15, this made our decision easier and also gave us our target audience.

The film was also mainly analysed by a male majority. Few females looked at our blog and this has made us change a couple of ideas so we could bring in a wider range of viewers.

A lot of Thriller films are either 15 certificate or 18, this is because they are normally violent, sexual, contain bad language and also many thriller films take their theme from real life tragedies which can be explicit and disturbing. Taken is a good film that takes a real life situation, the sex trade, and shows the tragic effects it has on young women and their families.

The taking of Pelham 123 is about the hijack of an underground train and the hijackers blackmail the American government to give them money. This is representative of real life for example, at present Somalian pirates have taken several cargo ships and used their crew as hostages to try and extort money from their governments.

Ikonic is rated 15 because there is no sexual content or excessive violence to warrant an 18 rating. However, as there is some violence and the plot is relatively complicated it would not appeal to a younger audience, they may find it disturbing or not understandable.

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