Tuesday 30 March 2010

Looking back at you preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

7. After we created our Preliminary task my confidence was low as the footage we shot was of a very poor standard. We had to film twice because once we started editing we realized how many mistakes we had made. Our second filming was a lot better and easier because we had a good idea how to use the camera and what shots we wanted and had to include.

Whilst filming the second the time we realized that we should shoot a lot of different shots, even though we may not need them. The more footage you shoot the more the editor has to work with. If you filmed your whole sequence perfectly but then right at the end you forgot a shot or you realized you could of done with another one you would be very annoyed.

We used the method trial and error, we would try out a shot then watch it back and see if it went how we wanted it to or not. Though this took long we believed it was the most efficient way to get the filming done first time.

We experimented with many shots when we filmed our final media product that we wouldn’t have even dreamt of doing when we shot our preliminary task. The best shot I believed we got was the punch scene. We made our actor throw a punch directed just to the side of the camera so she would punch some ones hand, at the sound of contact we tilted the camera to one side and let it drop onto a bag. We tried several different techniques and shots to make it unique and exciting.

Once the filming was finished the editor took the tape and started editing. The editing was done quick and of a good standard because we had to edit our preliminary task twice and also other footage we had practiced filming.

Overall our final media product was a lot better than our preliminary task due to practice and learning from our mistakes. By the end of the coursework I can comfortably use all the equipment well and with confidence and so can the other people in our group.

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